The steps

The steps#

Apart from the wildcard, the cards come in five steps. Although during the game you should mix the steps up, sustainability experts recommend doing the steps in order when you carry out your plan. For instance, any changes that address heat loss in a building usually come before specifying a new decarbonised heating system, because the heating system can then be smaller and more efficient.

The order of the steps is not set in stone, and certainly don’t need to do every suitable action in one step before the next! Your plan can take advantage of the grants that are available and other work that is happening in your building. We have the steps on the cards so that groups don’t forget to consider the full range of options.


Basic Actions

Actions so important every group should take them.


Reduce Energy Demand

Actions that will reduce energy use now without waiting to make changes to your building or heating system. Many of them are about controlling your current heating system. If your group intends to change the heating system very soon, you can put those ones aside for now, but you’ll still want to think which ones apply to the new system.


Address Heat Loss

Actions that will stop heat being lost from your building. You need to take these if you’re trying to heat the air. They’re less important if you’re only heating the people with radiant heaters or heated seating, but you should still consider the ventilation cards and the more the heating is on, the more the other actions might help.



Actions to replace heating systems that use fossil fuels with ones that can use renewable energy sources.


Generate Energy

Actions to produce energy right on your premises, to take a load off the grid.