
You can check at any time whether your monitor is still working. After a couple of minutes your monitor will wait a minute or two to see if you want to connect, and then automatically send some data to the internet and then keep going as usual. You can check for new data using the web address printed on the box.

  • Temperature looks wrong. Turn the sensor unit off and on, connect to the engineer network, and then visit Make sure DHT22 is selected. If the sensor only reads a little warm, that may be because you’ve been handling it.

  • Turning hub on and off doesn’t start the heathackhub network. Probably you’ve already successfully entered your wifi network’s SSID and password, so your hub is connecting to the internet. If you want to change to a different wifi network, you need to move out of range of the current one first. You may be able to visit your router admin page to see if you can spot the hub on your network; turning the hub off and on will make it appear and disappear. You can also look for a 1 in field 3 (usually labelled “Voltage”) on your ThingSpeak feed. Otherwise, a dodgy power connection is the most likely cause; turn the hub off and on and look for a single blue flash.